Of the Completion of the Summary (art. 622 – art. 633 LECrim, Spanish Law)

After practicing all the relevant proofs which may sustain the opening of the oral trial phase, in the ordinary procedure we arrive to the named intermediary phase of the procedure, the event which marks this transition is the decision of termination of the summary. But, how we have achieved this point of the procedure? and […]

Remote search over computer hardware (Spanish Law)

Have you ever had the sensation that some was spaying you while you were working on your computer? Are you one of those who has the laptop´s camera covered? Because I am, and I have had this sensation more than one time. The next question we should ask to ourselves is, is this possible?, can […]

The Search of Devices of Massive Storage of Information (Spanish Law)

The title of this article is a literal translation of the name given to the Chapter VIII of the Title VIII of the Book II of the Spanish Penal Procedural Law (in Spanish Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, henceforth LECrim). To what are we referring when we talk about devices of massive storage of information? These […]

The Interception of the telephonic and telematic communications (Spanish Law)

The Spanish Penal Procedural Law (in Spanish Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, henceforth LECrim) regulates in a specific chapter the interception of the telephonic and telematic communications. This chapter is in a title dedicated to all the measures of investigation which affect to the article 18 of the Spanish Constitution (henceforth, CE). It necessarily means that […]

Common dispositions to the interception of the telephonic and telematic communications, the reception and record of the oral communications through the utilization of electronic devices, the utilization of technic devices of tracking, localization and reception of the image, the search of massive data storage devices and remote search over computer equipment (art. 588 bis.a – art. 588 bis.k LECrim) Spanish Law.

When the Spanish Penal Procedural Law (in Spanish Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal, henceforth LECrim) regulates the diligences aimed to interfere with the right to the secret of the communications, it divides theses diligences in two groups, the diligences which don’t need technical means to intercept the communications, and the diligences which do need these technical […]