Of the crimes of catastrophic risk (art. 341- art. 350 of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Of the crimes of catastrophic risk”, is entitled the Chapter I, of the Title XVII, of the Book II, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is the first chapter of a title dedicated to the crimes against the collective security, a legal good recognized as a fundamental right by the article 17.1 of the […]
Of the crimes against the animals (art. 340 bis – 340 quinquies)
“Of the crimes against the animals”, it is entitled the Title XVI bis, of the Book II of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is a recent Title, introduced by the Organic Law 3/2023, of 28 March, with the intention of adapting the CP to the increasing awareness of the society regarding the legal status […]
Of the crimes against the flora and fauna and common dispositions (Art. 332 – art. 337 bis and art. 338 – art. 340 CP)
“Of the crimes against the flora and fauna”, is the title of the Chapter IV, of the Title XVI, of the Book II of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is the last chapter of the Title XVI, the last of a series dedicated to the protection of a legal good of those denominated “diffuse […]
Of the crimes against the natural resources and the environment and Common Dispositions (art. 325 – art. 331 and art. 338 – 340 of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Of the crimes against the natural resources and the environment”, is the title of the Chapter III, of the Title XVI, of the Book II, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is a chapter made up of eight articles, most of them reformed by the Organic Law 1/2015, of 30 March. Let us study […]
Of the crimes on the historic patrimony and common dispositions (art. 321 – art. 324 and art. 338 – 340 of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Of the crimes on the historic patrimony” is the title of the Chapter II, of the Title XVI, of the Book II, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is a chapter made up of 4 articles, each protecting a different object of the crime, though the legal good affected is always the same, the […]
Of the crimes related to land use planning and urban development and common dispositions (art. 319 – art. 320 and art. 338 – art. 340 of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Of the crimes related to land use planning and urban development”, is the title of the Chapter I, of the Title XVI, of the Book II, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). Although, we have added the common dispositions, those applicable to all the crimes regulated in the Title XVI and included in its […]
Crimes against the rights of the foreign citizens (Art. 318 bis of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Crimes against the rights of the foreign citizens”, is how is entitled the Title XV bis of the Book II, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is a title made up of only one article, the article 318 bis, whose current wording is due to the reform of the CP carried out by the […]
Of the crimes against the rights of the workers (Art. 311 – art. 318 of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Of the crimes against the rights of the workers”, is how is entitled the Title XV, of the Book II of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is a Title formed by nine articles, each of them punishing a different behavior, although all of them are related with the penal ambit. Let us analyze each […]
Of the crimes against the Public Treasury and against the Social Security (art. 305 – art. 310 bis of the Spanish Penal Code)
“Of the crimes against the Public Treasury and against the Social Security”, is entitled the Title XIV, of the Book II, concerning the crimes and the punishments, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). It is a title formed by eleven articles, all of them having in common the relation of the active subject with some […]
Of the crimes of illegal financing of the political parties (art. 304 bis – art. 304 ter CP)
“Of the crimes of illegal financing of the political parties”, is how it is entitled the Title XIII bis, of the Book II, concerning the crimes and its punishments, of the Spanish Penal Code (CP). Such title was introduced in the CP by the Organic Law 1/2015, of 30 March (LO 1/2015), with the aim […]